Saturday, October 31, 2009

Making lemons out of lemonade

In a time when everything seems to be flowing downhill, I see a need to build a dam. In the decades of the 80s and 90s, people took all of life's lemons and made lemonade. Now we have more lemonade than we need! The lemons we need lie in common sense planning. Finances, education, healthcare, and housing have all taken a beating by this flood of lemonade. Below is my list of lemon dams for my life.

1) Buy what you need, not what you want! It's time to stop all the "instant gratification" impulse buying and use some restraint. For example, I have a closet full of clothes. Do I REALLY need that new sweater? Note to self: Clear out clothes I don't wear and donate to local charities. Many people these days could use that sweater dress more than me.

2) The truly educated never graduate! Learning is lifelong, and the means are all around us. Forgetting for a moment that you have a computer with access to the Internet and all the information of the world at your fingertips, one lonesome institution still stands proudly and offers education in all areas, THE LIBRARY! Reading is still fundamental. Take some time, indeed, make some time, to stop by the local library and check out what you've been missing! Many older books not found on the Web are available there and free for the reading!

3) No one remains healthy ALL the time, and healthcare costs continue to rise. Learn to evaluate what your needs are at your point in life, then research carefully the options available. Learn to evaluate medical plans with an eye toward effectiveness and cost management. Though a plan may sound good on paper, run the numbers! Check the options and limitations! You may find it easier to pay the doctor out of your own pocket rather than shell out monthly premiums for a plan that will not go into effect until you've satisfied a $1500 deductible! And, many plans not longer have the deductible carry-over option, which means you have a $1500 deductible EVERY YEAR. Bone up on percentages and money value before you dive into the maelstrom of healthcare.

4) Live within your means! No one ever seems to apply this concept to housing. Sure, we all want that big status-symbol home, but do we REALLY need it? If you have two children, a spouse, and a dog, a simple affordable 3-bedroom home is more than adequate! If your children are grown, consider downsizing your home. Two people, or one person, have/has no need for a 5-bedroom home! Consider instead a simple 2-bedroom home out of the city where housing costs and property taxes are lower. You'll enjoy peace and quiet and still have a nice home! Personally, if people only like me for my home, I don't need them as friends!

I hope to live a full life and enjoy it thoroughly! If, in the above list, you find a lemon dam you can use, feel free to pass it along!

NOW...bring me that horizon!